Thursday 23 January 2014

Question 3: What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?

Our production company name was ‘JEM Productions’. This is because it has the initials of each of our names: Jessica, Elizabeth and Mia. It is also very simple and memorable, and therefore sounds professional. Other production companies have been named after their founders like Warner Brothers and Disney. The fact that our company would have this in common with other successful ones also makes it sound more proficient. Our production ident was a picture of one of each of our eyes. I am really pleased with how this turned out because it is simple, each of us is part of it, it has colour and is visually striking. I also think that it is suitable because one or two of the eyes are open quite wide as if the people are scared of something, and I think this is appropriate because it shows that the genre of film we make is thriller.  A real production company that has a similar ident to ours is ‘Icon Productions’. The similarity is that the main image is an eye. I think that the idea of using an eye has come about because they portray emotion and also part of films is seeing what is happening on screen.

A production company is responsible for making money to spend on producing films. They also manage the budget, the script, scheduling, staff, distribution and marketing. Production companies are often associated with particular actors, directors or crew members so can get these people working on certain projects. Some directors will have contracts with the company so will be asked to direct certain movies of theirs. If things go wrong during the production of a film they will make decisions of how to sort it out and get things back on track. The company makes money from sales of a film and the more money they make, the more they can spend on the next movie.
I think that the Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc. production company would be a good choice of distributor for our thriller film.  They produce different kinds of entertainment like movies, television and music and are owned by the larger company Time Warner. The headquarters of the company are in Burbank, California and New York. It has many other minor companies including Warner Bros. Studios, Warner Bros. Pictures, Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment, Warner Bros. Television and Warner Bros. Animation. The founders of the company were the four Warner brothers Albert, Harry, Sam and Jack and it was started up on April the 4th, 1923

Warner Bros. is versatile as they have produced films of many different genres. Some are fantasies (Harry Potter, The Hobbit) some superhero films (The Dark Knight, Man of Steel) and some comedies (The Hangover, The Campaign). They have produced many thriller movies as well including: Texas Chainsaw, Se7en, and V for Vendetta, Dirty Harry, Dead Calm, The Departed, Argo and many more. 

I think that Warner Bros. would be an appropriate institution to distribute my film because it has produced so many successful thriller movies in the past. As they have been so successful in this genre I could trust that they would know how to market the movie to the correct audience and make a lot of money from it. I also think it is a suitable company because they produced many films that I really like: Goodfellas, The Shining, and One Flew over the Cuckoo’s Nest, The Shawshank Redemption, The Hobbit, Zelig and Best in Show. Even though these are not all thriller films, by knowing that I have really enjoyed films from this company would let me know that we would have a similar artistic vision for my film. They are also a very well-known company and audiences will recognise the name and hopefully be encouraged to see the film if the company’s name is attached to it because they trust them. The money used to finance my film would have come from profits of a previous film made by the production company. I think that the company being American is a good choice because America is the home of so many iconic films and it is such a large country and therefore will have a bigger market to distribute the film to.   


Professional Opening Credits

Opening Credits for Our Opening

Name of the production company

JEM Productions


Camerawork by Jessica Hammond

Title of film

Directed by Elizabeth Pattison

Lead cast

            ‘The Girl’ played by Mia Shaw

Supporting cast

The Revelation

Casting Director


Music Composer


Costume designer


Associate producers




Production designer


Director of photography


Executive producer








We looked at the order that opening credits will usually go in for films. The production company name will almost always come first so this is where we put it. We then had the two main production roles: camerawork and directing. I think that these two should probably have been the other way round as the director’s name will usually come before, but we thought perhaps we would do it this way because it would then follow the JEM initials. The actress’ name came after this, and we had the title of our film right at the end of the end of the opening, which happens quite often in thrillers. Obviously, we missed out quite a lot of the titles because there were only three of us working on the film.

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